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Yeah, I know you did, but don’t worry, I’m here.

Ok, a couple things have been on my mind.

The first one is the overturning of Prop 8 in California.  I’ve posted about it before, so you know where I stand on things.  My biggest problem with the court decision is that the judge who decided the case was one of three openly gay federal judges.  Am I the only one who sees this as a conflict of interest in what is supposed to be an unbiased justice system?

Immigration…yeah.  I fully support enforcing the immigration laws in our country.  In reality, that’s all that the new legislation in Arizona is doing.  I’m not xenophobic, and I don’t care if people from other countries immigrate, as long as they do it legally.  This lawsuit on the Arizona laws took it’s biggest step in the wrong direction when it made it an issue of a state doing things outside of federal control, rather than an immigration issue.  Thanks to our constitution, you may have heard of the document, the states are able to control things which the federal government does not.  It makes it seem like the federal government seeks to ignore the 14th amendment by not allowing Arizona to ensure that immigration is handled in their state.

Heading back to the homosexuality front for my final words, a former classmate of mine from the academy formally resigned and announced that she was a lesbian this week.  Now, that’s her decision, given her feelings that her integrity was compromised when she was forced to lie to her classmates.  However, I feel like she has turned it into a publicity stunt, and some of the things she stated are quite simply exaggerated.  I guess she’s been blogging anonymously about the Don’t Ask Don’t Tell culture at West Point, and a few statements that I saw were just plain over the top.  I have nothing against her as a person, or her decision, but I think it could have been handled much differently.

I think that’s just about enough out of me.


About dmjohnston

I am a cadet at the United States Military Academy, and I try to keep my life interesting, so I thought I should log my crazy experiences and thoughts. View all posts by dmjohnston

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